Raising a singleton effect row? - Polysemy

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Sandy Maguire

I want to implement lift :: Member e r => Sem '[e] a -> Sem r a. Raise doesn't work for my purposes because everything is necessarily polymorphic and the instances don't terminate


Hmm, maybe you could just go through Sem, unpacking that Union with single effect and sending it further?

Sandy Maguire

yeah, was trying that, but the types make my head spin

Sandy Maguire

who wrote this library even??


Wait, couldn't you just raise it over Embed (Sem r), interpret into it and call runEmbedded?

Sandy Maguire

now that's an interesting idea

Sandy Maguire

this seems to do it:

inject :: forall eff r a. Member eff r => Sem '[eff] a -> Sem r a
inject (Sem a) = Sem $ \k -> a $ \case
  Union Here (Weaving e s f n v) ->
    k $ Union (membership @eff) $ Weaving e s (inject . f) n v
Sandy Maguire

amazing what a nap can do

Sandy Maguire

full solution:

inject :: Inject effs r => Sem effs a -> Sem r a
inject (Sem a) = a $ liftSem . deject . hoist inject

class Inject effs r where
  deject :: Union effs (Sem r) a -> Union r (Sem r) a

instance Inject '[] r where
  deject = absurdU

instance (Member eff r, Inject effs r) => Inject (eff ': effs) r where
  deject u =
    case decomp u of
      Left  u' -> deject u'
      Right w  -> Union membership w
Sandy Maguire

starting to get my sea legs back

Sandy Maguire
    • Could not deduce: Members effs effs arising from a use of ‘gen’
Sandy Maguire
type family Members2 es r :: Constraint where
  Members2 r         r = ()
  Members2 '[]       r = ()
  Members2 (e ': es) r = (Member e r, Members2 es r)

works great
Sandy Maguire

no, doesnt seem to work great actually

Sandy Maguire

adding Members effs effs to the context works /shrug

Sandy Maguire

put this all together to make some stuff that can prove equivalence of interpreters https://gist.github.com/isovector/681d15e9ca398692278df3612dcfc3cd