interceptPartial - Polysemy

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Torsten Schmits

I modified intercept so that the handler must return Maybe:

interceptPartialUsingH ::
   e r a .
  Member e r =>
  ElemOf e r ->
  ( x rInitial . e (Sem rInitial) x -> Tactical e (Sem rInitial) r (Maybe x)) ->
  Sem r a ->
  Sem r a
interceptPartialUsingH pr f (Sem m) =
  Sem \ (k ::  b . Union r (Sem r) b -> m b) -> m \ (u :: Union r (Sem r) x) -> case prjUsing pr u of
    Just (Weaving e s d y v) -> do
      result <- usingSem k $
        runTactics s (raise . d) v (interceptPartialUsingH pr f . d) $
        f e
      maybe (k $ hoist (interceptPartialUsingH pr f) u) (pure . y . (<$ s)) (join (v result))
    Nothing ->
      k $ hoist (interceptPartialUsingH pr f) u
{-# inline interceptPartialUsingH #-}

so that interpretation is deferred to the next interpreter if Nothing is returned, making it possible to create a catch-all case:

data Ip :: Effect where
  Ip :: Ip m Int
  Other :: Ip m Int
  Another :: Ip m Int

makeSem ''Ip

interpretIp ::
  Member (State Int) r =>
  InterpreterFor Ip r
interpretIp =
  interpret \case
    Ip -> pure 23
    Other -> gets (+ 5)
    Another -> pure 42

interceptIp ::
  Members [Ip, State Int] r =>
  Sem r a ->
  Sem r a
interceptIp =
  interceptPartial \case
    Ip -> Just 4 <$ put 3
    _ -> pure Nothing

test_interceptPartial :: UnitTest
test_interceptPartial =
  runTest do
    evalState 0 do
      (interpretIp . interceptIp) do
        i1 <- ip
        i2 <- other
        12 === (i1 + i2)

Not sure this is sane. @Love Waern (King of the Homeless) ?

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

It's sane, but (somewhat) redundant: the existing pattern to achieve the same thing is to re-send the effect, like this:

interceptIp ::
  Members [Ip, State Int] r =>
  Sem r a ->
  Sem r a
interceptIp =
  intercept \case
    Ip -> 4 <$ put 3
    u -> send (coerce u)

However, as you can see, doing so generically requires 1. using coerce; 2. using the still-internal-for-some-reason send 3. is only possible with first-order effects since interpretH is bad.
Yeah that's not exactly convincing. However, the in-progress rework of higher-order effect interpretation has a solution to all this, so I figure I should really just get to completing that rather than adding interpretPartial to polysemy.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Wait, you're using the inspector in the interpreter, and then discard the functorial state given by the calculation. Yeah, that's not sane.

Torsten Schmits

ah, damn. didn't know about the coerce trick, that looks adequate.

regarding the discarded state, can you demonstrate how this could be preserved in my code?

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

I don't think you can with the weave abstraction as core. Again, I really should get to completing that core rewrite.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

It is done, really. The only thing really holding it up is some questions about complexity, and "how much of the old API do we want to throw away vs. leave alone for backwards compatibility"

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

I'll work on it once I'm done with my other work for the day.

Torsten Schmits

are you working on your thesis still?

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

No, that one's complete. I've got an actual job now.

Torsten Schmits

ah, nice :big_smile: did you mention that before? where you working at?

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

I'm working at Intel, at their simulator department. My thesis is called "Coroutines for Simics Device Modeling Language" -- Simics is the (primary) simulator in question. I'll probably work on implementing what my thesis is about, sooner or later. Anything more probably isn't safe to say.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

The report will be public, but the university hasn't published it yet.

Torsten Schmits

wow, sounds very impressive! that simulates cpus?

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Simics is a full-system simulator: it simulates CPUs and peripheral devices interacting with the CPU and each-other.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Peripheral devices are simulated through high-level behavioral models, rather than RTL -- this allows simulation to be fast and development of device models simple.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Simics DML is the primary modeling language for such device models.

Torsten Schmits

crazy. does this run in software only or some FPGA stuff?

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Simics runs in software. You can probably rig it to make use of/connect FPGA:s; it's flexible.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

My thesis concerns the fact that asynchronous procedures (especially communication) is very common in device models, yet DML does not have a dedicated abstraction for it -- so users are forced to roll FSMs, which are insanely boilerplate heavy.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

So my thesis develops coroutine designs for use in DML to address that.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Only designs though -- which the thesis does not implement, it only suggests potential implementation approaches.

Torsten Schmits

very curious to read that!

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

I'll let you know once the university decides to publish it. Beware, it's some like 120 pages long.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Turns out I'm too tired to work on it now. To make up for it a bit, I've pushed up yet another branch where you can look at the current progress of that core rewrite work. It's not completely polished.
I'm so tempted to just rip out all the old interpretH stuff and not care about backwards compatibility. The core rewrite is intended for v2.0 anyway, so there's a real argument to commit to that. That's the sort of decisions I shouldn't do alone, though.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Most notable, did a rewrite to Final, and RunH is now a very curious beast.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

it basically depicts MonadTransControl in all but name

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)
liftWithH :: forall z t e r r' a
           . ((forall x. Sem (RunH z t e r ': r) x -> Sem r (t x)) -> Sem r' a)
          -> Sem (RunH z t e r ': r') a
Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Oh yeah, and you can spot propagate there, too, which is the solution to the intercept stuff we talked about.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)
interceptIp ::
  Members [Ip, State Int] r =>
  Sem r a ->
  Sem r a
interceptIp =
  interceptNew \case
    Ip -> 4 <$ put 3
    e -> propagate e
Torsten Schmits

wow, interpretNew is crazy :sweat_smile:

Torsten Schmits

so runM is now unified over Final and Embed?

Torsten Schmits

and interpretNew is supposed to be used for first-order effects as well?

Torsten Schmits

Love Waern (King of the Homeless) said:

Wait, you're using the inspector in the interpreter, and then discard the functorial state given by the calculation. Yeah, that's not sane.

I'm wondering, why is the put 3 in the example effectful? shouldn't it be discarded?

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

The university decided to stop dragging their feet after some nagging and published my thesis!

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

The record could not be found. The reason may be that the record is no longer available or you may have typed in a wrong id in the address field.


Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

for some reason it redirects to a random dswid value every time


Found "Coroutines for Simics Device Modeling Language" by searching for "Love Waern"

Torsten Schmits

yaaaay awesome!! :tada: :party_ball: