Nix and composition - Nix

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Magnus Therning

Is there some nice way of composing functions, like the dot operator in Haskell, so I can avoid things like

modifier = drv: foo (bar (baz drv))
Jack Henahan

There's pipe in lib/trivial.nix, though I've never actually used it

Jack Henahan

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Jack Henahan

You could also just inline something like

compose = f: g: x: f (g x);
composeAll = builtins.foldl' compose id;
Magnus Therning

I can't even figure out how to pull in trivial.pipe..

Jack Henahan

@Magnus Therning Assuming you have pkgs or something in scope, I think you'd say pkgs.lib.pipe

Ben Kolera

It's pretty new. You may not have it in your nixpkgs:

`pipe` is a useful operator for creating pipelines of functions. It works around the usual problem of e.g. string operations becoming deeply nested functions. In principle, there are four differe...
Magnus Therning

I managed to find it under pkgs.lib.trivial.