Higher rank polykinds - Haskell

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Asad Saeeduddin

Copy pasting some discussion with @Reed Mullanix from Slack.

It seems like something like the following should work, but it doesn't:

class Composative (t :: forall k. (k -> *) -> k -> *)
  composed :: Compose (t a) (t b) ~> t (Compose a b)

data Compose :: forall x y. (y -> *) -> (x -> y) -> x -> * where
    Compose :: f (g a) -> Compose f g a

instance Monad m => Composative (Compose m)
  composed = _

here's the error:

[typecheck] [E] /mnt/data/depot/git/haskell/experiments/recuest/src/HStructures.hs:35:34: error:
    • Expected kind 'forall k. (k -> *) -> k -> *',
        but 'Compose m' has kind '(k10 -> *) -> k10 -> *'
    • In the first argument of 'Composative', namely '(Compose m)'
      In the instance declaration for 'Composative (Compose m)'

however, as Reed discovered, if you move the quantification in the definition of Compose around, it does:

data Compose (f :: y -> *) :: forall x. (x -> y) -> x -> * where
    Compose :: f (g a) -> Compose f g a

instance Monad m => Composative (Compose m)
  composed = _

Is this an expected limitation? Bug in GHC? Something we're doing wrong?

Asad Saeeduddin

@Reed Mullanix this works too btw:

data Compose :: forall y. (y -> *) -> forall x. (x -> y) -> x -> *
  Compose :: { getCompose :: f (g a) } -> Compose f g a

@Asad Saeeduddin does this compile on older versions of GHC?

Asad Saeeduddin

I don't really know, but I was pointed to the gitlab issue that explains how this is expected behavior: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/13399

The following code fails to compile, but probably should: ```hs {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeInType #-} import Data.Kind data Foo :: forall k . (* -> *) -> k -> *...