GHCJS performance - Haskell

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@Sridhar Ratnakumar or someone using GHCJS - what's your experience when it comes to performance? Do normal GHC optimizations apply? Is there some visible difference compared to e.g. idiomatic JS?

Sridhar Ratnakumar

Probably a best question for #reflex-frp on freenode; however I can tell you that complex apps (like Slack) can be tricky to implement with GHCJS with smoother performance. is a Slack-like app written in reflex/ghcjs - and you can see how it lags in practice. Most apps however do reasonably well, if you stick to FRP principles.

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So this lagging is caused by overhead of GHCJS in idiomatic code, not by difficulty of making idiomatic Reflex code performant, right?

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

ghcjs emulates ghcs runtime, so the result is surely not "idiomatic js"


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking about - normal GHC runtime is wildly different from what usual strict languages do

Sridhar Ratnakumar

.. with some patches in reflex-platform, for example text package is patched to use js string