A reflex app in the wild - Haskell

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Sridhar Ratnakumar

My new wiki runs on reflex/ghcjs: https://wiki.srid.ca/

If you are curious as to how the frontend code looks,

  • Code for the home route
  • Code for the wiki page route
  • These two live in Frontend.hs as that's the de facto obelisk entry point
  • Frontend/App.hs contains the infrastructuresque stuff, including Xhr/Websocket stuff, which uses the great reflex-gadt-api library (did someone ask what GADTs are useful for?)
  • There is real-time view update, that cannot be demonstrated here, but it works awesomely
  • The backend uses an entirely new model, that requires a post of its own.
  • Source: https://github.com/srid/emanote

Emanote is still in alpha stage.

WIP: incremental build engine cum innovative navigation UI for plain-text notes - srid/emanote
WIP: incremental build engine cum innovative navigation UI for plain-text notes - srid/emanote
Interact with a JSON-serialized API defined by a GADT in your reflex-dom application - reflex-frp/reflex-gadt-api
WIP: incremental build engine cum innovative navigation UI for plain-text notes - srid/emanote
Sridhar Ratnakumar

@Joel McCracken btw, this is like Cerveau without the editor ... though I'm thinking of adding editing support to emanote.

Joel McCracken

Nice! I'll have to chek it out. I forget, do I have access to Cerveau? I still haven't tried it

Joel McCracken

I think at some point I realized that I just rely on org mode so much that it would probably make a lot of sense to give it the ol' college try first

Joel McCracken

(not a real question, i will do the work to figure it out myself :P)

Sridhar Ratnakumar

i don't imagine myself using Emacs every day for the rest of my life, and so I use markdown.

Joel McCracken

yeah totally fair -- I'm invested enough in it that i thiknk quite likely i may be using it till I drop