Interface - General

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Valentin Robert

interface is a little weird, hope I get used to it :)


@Valentin Robert Imagine you separate Slack channel's content based on discussed topics, where one can selectively see and respond to those they're interested in


I guess the thing that is weird for me is that there isn't really a top level "Stream" (i.e. no real #General or #Haskell ) for all communications. Everything is forced into a topic, and all of the topics are merged into the larger stream. Now that I type it out though, that is really nice. Although, I don't know if it's easy to spin out a conversation from one topic to another one.

Jack Henahan

There's a button to edit topics (and the UI makes it seem like you can do it to other people's messages), and there are options to make all messages in a topic have the new topic, or just new messages to the original topic


BTW, if someone feels like it, they can freely create new topic for thing they discuss - I can tidy it up if it ever gets out of control :slight_smile:

Jack Henahan

That neatly demonstrates that you can split and merge topics, too, which is really cool!


@Jack Henahan Where did you see the UI for that? I tried changing a message and it only did the first one instead of the whole conversation?


And I like it how I can look on the left and side and see currently discussed "topics" :smiley:

Valentin Robert

Are topics meant to be smaller stream categories, or more ephemeral topics? i.e. if I have 2 unrelated questions, should they each be in their own topic, or both in some "Questions" topic?

Jack Henahan

I suspect the latter is easier, since you get a wider audience, and then each of the unrelated questions can be split into a new topic if they require that sort of depth

Jack Henahan

But best practices are sure to evolve with the will of the community


I slapped some logo together - but feel free to propose alternative if you don't like it :smiley:


I should've probably read rules on Discord server before inviting people there here :smiley:
But I don't really understand why such thing shouldn't be allowed - people are free to use whatever service they want and it's not like they get spammed with invitations every day

Ben Kolera

Oh no. Is Zulip dying for anyone else? Was getting pretty gnarly looking 500s like it all melted under load. :<


Hmm, I don't have any problems


Alright, now I've got one 500 on their docs page - maybe some maintenance, who knows

Pavan Rikhi

I got a down for maintenance message for a minute but seems fine now

Mats Rauhala

Yeah I had trouble creating my account just now. Plenty of 500


Oh, actually, yesterday I've got email about them fixing some security bug that may require relogin - may it be that they're "updating" ATM?

Mats Rauhala

Bad timing, if people are considering joining and are presented with an 500 as the first thing they see

Alex Silva

I've got a 500 on their "native" macOS app...

Jack Henahan

Had that as well for a minute, but it all seems good, now.


Have to say this migration is going better than previous attempts


at least judging by amount of subscriptions/sign ups

Alex Silva

Testing markdown, does it work?

Alex Silva
class Functor f where
   fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

@toxicafunk Absolutely - this server was created some time ago from similar discussion as there was on Slack yesterday - and maybe 5 people joined
@Alex Silva _ don't, but * do work for changing text style, as you've already found out probably :smiley:


That highlighting with pygments is super nice

Alex Silva
data Vec : Nat -> Type -> Type where
   Nil : {a : Type}  -> Vec Z a
   Cons : {a : Type} -> a -> Vec k a -> Vec (S k) a
data HList :: [Type] -> Type where
  HN   :: HList '[]
  (:#) :: t -> HList ts -> HList (t:ts)

type family Fun (ts :: [Type]) (r :: Type) where
  Fun '[]    r = r
  Fun (t:ts) r = t -> Fun ts r

($#) :: Fun ts r -> HList ts -> r
f $# HN        = f
f $# (a :# as) = f a $# as

I guess it works better than formatting in VSCode :sweat_smile:

Ben Kolera

I wonder at what point will Zulip get angry at us if all 12K fp slack users arrive over here... :thinking:


Number of daily active users seems to peek around 550 at Slack - I guess they should be able to handle that :smiley:


anyone else see that email from zulip about using topics? i got the impression they're designed to be more like threads from slack (or, as they put it, email subjects), but we seem to be gravitating towards using them almost like sub-channels. in the interest of getting the most out of zulip, should we decide now how we want to make use of the feature?


so they're more like gmail threads then?


@Will Email usually tend to have this bigger, specific topic they're discussing - but in community like this, longer conversations tend to be interleaved with quick questions, which don't seem to be worth separate topic - I guess some hybrid model where one uses custom topic for longer conversations and one of the main ones for short Q&A may work well

Leonardo Taglialegne

My personal biggest gripe with the interface is not sorting reaction emojis by frequency


What I find interesting is that this layout basically unifies "Unreads" and "Threads" under "All messages" in a readable way - I use them often on Slack and so I find this convenient


@Leonardo Taglialegne There's "popular" section in emoji selector - I guess we just have to use it a little bit more :smiley:

Asad Saeeduddin

My personal biggest gripe with the interface is not sorting reaction emojis by frequency

I actually like it that way, the extra structure lets you do :cool: :poop:

Ben Kolera

Yeah. It's a little weird at first, but I really dig this interface. We'll see how the UI scales with more users and threads, but this is nice. :slight_smile:


I don't like the boxes, I did some CSS modifications and made e.g. Haskell look like this: pasted image


This default UI makes this more like Forum, which is not a good in my opinion.


@Ciantic those boxes separate different topics

Fintan Halpenny

Is the idea of this that there's only one main "stream" and then they're split into topics?

Ben Kolera

There's a stream per major interest group and then there are subs specific to them under those. #Haskell #Haskell beginners #Nix , etc


@Fintan Halpenny Streams = channels, with topics dividing streams based on discussed "topics" - see #META

Fintan Halpenny

Cheers @TheMatten, I guess I'll just have to wander around until it becomes a bit more intuitive :)


do we have a Welcome message? If so, #Meta should be there


I pinned it to everyone's sidebar AFAIK - but yeah, that would be nice

Sean Westfall

Look you can set the process.env.NODE_ENV, I guess this has a node backend

Sean Westfall

This is built with react native?