Feedback - General

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Few months came by since we've created "FP Zulip", more than 300 303 people already joined up and I guess we can already tell something about how well Zulip works for our purposes.

Personally, after getting used to different way of managing messages coming from Slack, I really like it - while Slack is convenient for just getting information out or having small discussion from time to time (threads), Zulip really encourages "preserving" of information - there're topics running for a few months and even after such a long time, one has no problem joining them, because they keep their "context" around - on Slack (assuming unlimited history) it's much harder to make sense of long-running discussion - basically only people that started it have some idea about it. Threads don't really help, because they're anonymous and after some time, with other discussion running on channel itself, become harder and harder to find - they usually die after day or two.

What do you people think? :slight_smile:


On the other hand, one current limitation that I've noticed is that when splitting new topic out of existing one, there's no built-in mechanism for "linking topics" - this can create harder to track situations where topic origin is not entirely clear without e.g. searching history with near


I really like Zulip and I agree with everything you said!

Fintan Halpenny

Playing devil's advocate: if you wanted topics and linking of topics why did you not post more in the Haskell Discourse?


Zulip provides real-time communication
And topics are super lightweight - you can still browse through all of stream at once, even through all messages if you're interested in all of the discussion happening, while in forum system like Discourse you're forced to work with one topic at once - that may be more useful for some big, coherent discussions


I'm relatively new to FP Zulip and FP Slack. I found myself visiting here much more often because following streams/threads is less stressful than attempting something similar on Slack. Here, I can read and learn from old posts, as they're neatly organized. This is much harder to do in Slack, at least for me.

By "linking topics", do you mean generating a link to a particular post/comment? Because as far as I know that's possible in Zulip

Cyril Valyavin

I haven't used Slack but I'd say Zulip is mad cool, everything is so neatly structured! I have a couple of questions though: how would it be appropriate to organize communication in other languages (should it be a separate server?) and how are streams/topics moderated exactly?


@Hazem Sometimes need arises for splitting some part of discussion into separate topic - what I would like is some way to link beginning of new topic to place in previous one where it was created, similarly to how threads are linked to messages in Slack - I could do this manually, but some sort of integrated support would be nice


@Elvecent I think separate stream should be fine - something like "stream-name-fr" or "stream-name-sk"

When it comes to topics, just create new one whenever it feels appropriate - no need to ask or anything :slight_smile: (we can rename it later if needed)

Similarly with streams, though I guess it may be good idea to ask e.g. on #General if there's some interest in specific stream, or if appropriate one doesn't already exist


@TheMatten if Zulip has bots like Slackbots, maybe there is a bot that automates the thread linking process


I think automating links as you described is a really good idea


@Hazem It has - maybe we could build one :big_smile:

Sridhar Ratnakumar

TheMatten said:

On the other hand, one current limitation that I've noticed is that when splitting new topic out of existing one, there's no built-in mechanism for "linking topics" - this can create harder to track situations where topic origin is not entirely clear without e.g. searching history with near

The solution is simple: implement Zettelkasten in Zulip!


BTW, while talking about writing bots, that emoji was uploaded using Zulip API, through Haskell :big_smile:
That is, zulip-api is getting to the point where it could be released (ignoring absence of tests... :sweat_smile: )