About types - General

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Henri Tuhola

I've tried to understand types better but I find trouble. Quite complex things are understood but I wonder on basic level I don't understand types.

Henri Tuhola

Best explanation seem to be that each type forms a game that has finite run time.

Henri Tuhola

Type may also form ideas of what is equal under that type.

James King

That sounds pretty abstract. I haven't heard types described that way before. I usually think of them as sets. Like the type Int is the set of fixed-precision integers, Bool is the set of booleans.

Henri Tuhola

Sets are sufficient way to explain types for programming, but I've found it hard to explain through sets how types work.

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

what do you mean by "how types work"?

Henri Tuhola

Types with lambda calculus result in a language that always terminates.


Hmm, I don't think that's fundamental in any way - you can always introduce some opaque fix :: forall r. (r -> r) -> r, which is well typed (in System F, which supports polymorphism)

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

so is your intuition for "how types work" somehow bound to termination? and why are sets bad for that?

Henri Tuhola

Sets do not make it clear why types provide quarantee of termination. But if you take (x -> y) as a game where player has to play 'y' while opponent must play 'x'. You then see that any such finite combination of such game terminates.

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

but, afaik, there are also infinite games, and they are not that uncommon (e.g. chess could be one such game)

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

infinite games are also of interest in model theory, again - only afaik

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

I could probably take "finite sets" with the same success (although I'm almost certain you can still define undecidable/non-terminating stuff with finite sets)

Henri Tuhola

It would be interesting to allow nontermination with type. How would that happen?

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

I think it's harder not to allow termination with types, and still have a "strong enough" programming language

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