Interpreter for action that adds on the effect stack - Polysemy

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Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

how can I implement runTransaction?

data Db m a where
  -- ...

data Token

runDb :: Member (Embed IO) r => Token -> Sem (Db ': r) a -> Sem r a
runDb tok = interpret \case

data Transaction m a where
  InTransaction :: Sem (Db ': r) a -> Transaction (Sem r) a

inTransaction :: Member Transaction r => Sem (Db ': r) a -> Sem r a
inTransaction = send . InTransaction

runTransaction ::
  forall r a.
  (Member (Embed IO) r) =>
  Sem r Token ->
  (Token -> Sem r ()) ->
  Sem (Transaction ': r) a ->
  Sem r a
runTransaction acquire release = _

this "should be" a straightforward of application and interpretation of Resource (right???), but I'm having issues with the fact that the inside action has a different type from the r

Torsten Schmits

do we want to runDb inside runTransaction?

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

otherwise you can't dispatch the Db inside

Torsten Schmits

tentative solution, without Embed IO on runDb:

runTransaction ::
  forall r a.
  Members [Resource, Embed IO] r =>
  Sem r Token ->
  (Token -> Sem r ()) ->
  Sem (Transaction ': r) a ->
  Sem r a
runTransaction acquire release =
  interpretH intp
    intp ::
       x f rInitial .
      Functor f =>
      Transaction (Sem rInitial) x ->
      Sem (WithTactics Transaction f (Sem rInitial) r) (f x)
    intp = \case
      InTransaction ma ->
        bracket (raise acquire) (raise . release) run
          run :: Token -> Sem (Tactics f (Sem rInitial) (Transaction : r) : r) (f x)
          run tok = do
              ma' :: Sem (Db : rInitial) x
              ma' = ma
              ran :: Sem rInitial x
              ran = runDb tok ma'
            a :: Sem (Transaction : r) (f x) <- runT ran
            raise (runTransaction acquire release a)
Torsten Schmits

I've left all the signatures in for analysis

Torsten Schmits

so it definitely helps for type inference to make all the existentials explicit

Torsten Schmits

and it is very notable here that our ma is already concretely typed, but runT can still be used since it has ∀ m that is just instantiated to our visible Sem rInitial

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

do you think you'll need an explicit way to show that Member (Embed IO) (Db ': r) implies Member (Embed IO) rInitial?

Torsten Schmits

it works if you put the constraint in the InTransaction ctor as well

Torsten Schmits

but optimally I guess you'd just pass runDb as an argument to runTransaction

Torsten Schmits

Embed IO won't be visible to runTransaction then

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

if you pass it in as an argument and use it you'll still get the constraint tho?

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

ah so you mean run :: Token -> Sem r a

Torsten Schmits
runTransaction ::
  forall r a.
  Member Resource r =>
  ( r' . Token -> InterpreterFor Db r') ->
  Sem r Token ->
  (Token -> Sem r ()) ->
  Sem (Transaction ': r) a ->
  Sem r a
runTransaction runDb' acquire release =
  interpretH intp
    intp ::
       x f rInitial .
      Functor f =>
      Transaction (Sem rInitial) x ->
      Sem (WithTactics Transaction f (Sem rInitial) r) (f x)
    intp = \case
      InTransaction ma ->
        bracket (raise acquire) (raise . release) run
          run :: Token -> Sem (Tactics f (Sem rInitial) (Transaction : r) : r) (f x)
          run tok = do
              ma' :: Sem (Db : rInitial) x
              ma' = ma
              ran :: Sem rInitial x
              ran = runDb' tok ma'
            a :: Sem (Transaction : r) (f x) <- runT ran
            raise (runTransaction runDb' acquire release a)
Torsten Schmits

like this. but this might have to be tweaked, search the polysemy-resume topic for significantly relaxed :sweat_smile:

Torsten Schmits

but with this, you should be able to experiment more easily

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

cool, thanks!

still not sure how to navigate the Tactics/Strategy related type sigs/errors

Torsten Schmits

well, the most important thing is to internalize that Tactics is just a regular effect that has to be at the head everywhere in interpretH

Torsten Schmits

and that it carries an m, which corresponds to the Sem r in you higher-order thunk in the constructor InTransaction

Torsten Schmits

and then you only need to find the right combinator from the Tactics module to lift your thunk into the right signature

Torsten Schmits

runT does that here, it's Sem rInitial a -> Sem (Transaction : r) (f a) effectively

Torsten Schmits

where rInitial is the r from InTransaction as seen from the perspective of interpretH, where r is the final stack

Torsten Schmits

really curious to see if this works well at runtime :sweat_smile:

Torsten Schmits

btw if you want to allow nested calls to inTransaction, you will have to switch out the interpreter in the last line to avoid double bracketing

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

if this doesn't work, Resource probably won't too :thinking: it's almost directly a Resource usage
in fact now that I think about it, you can probably do away with Transaction entirely

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

Torsten Schmits said:

btw if you want to allow nested calls to inTransaction, you will have to switch out the interpreter in the last line to avoid double bracketing

won't the semantics be right? in nested inTransactions you're using the "innermost" transaction

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

which is what I'd expected (e.g. from name shadowing)

Torsten Schmits

and using Resource directly just means that you can't use a pure interpreter

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

you can still runIgnoreResource which just drops alloc and dealloc (not in library), if you want to use a Set instead of an actual db

Torsten Schmits

for completeness:

runTransaction' ::
  forall t r .
  Member Resource r =>
  ( r' . t -> InterpreterFor Db r') ->
  Sem r t ->
  (t -> Sem r ()) ->
  InterpreterFor Transaction r
runTransaction' runDb' acquire release =
  interpretH \case
    InTransaction ma ->
      bracket (raise acquire) (raise . release) \ tok ->
        raise . runTransaction runDb' acquire release =<< runT (runDb' tok ma)
Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

btw, do you know how the Tactics internals actually "give you" the next Transaction that you might need

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

afaiu you're peeling off all the possible Transaction invocations (and in general, when you use Tactics and make that recursive call you're doing that)

Torsten Schmits

when you recurse, you basically run the interpreter on the ma, since it might contain repeated uses of it, afaiu. I recommend (re-)reading Sandy's blogposts on the matter

Torsten Schmits

because at that point, your ma is still untouched and you're already in the interpreter

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

funny, you can't do that transformation

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78
        bracket (raise acquire) (raise . release) \tok -> do
          a <- (let x = runT $ runDb' tok ma in x)
          let g = raise . runTransaction runDb' acquire release
          g a

this is fine

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

aand the Transaction-less version is uh..

runTransaction ::
  Member Resource r =>
  Sem r Token ->
  (Token -> Sem r ()) ->
  (forall r'. Token -> forall b. Sem (Db ': r') b -> Sem r' b) ->
  Sem (Db ': r) a ->
  Sem r a
runTransaction acquire release act query =
  bracket acquire release (`act` query)
Torsten Schmits

you won't be able to switch acquire and release for no-ops outside of the program

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

if I make Token polymorphic it'll be fine

Torsten Schmits

how are you using that function then? won't you call it in business logic?

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

you're basically doing the work of polysemy manually

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

because you'll end up threading all your functions as arguments

Torsten Schmits

just so I'm on the same page, you would have passed acquire etc into the business logic?

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

if I wanted to use the Transaction-less version, I would have made my "business logic" functions take polymorphic functions (the acquire, release and act) to use

Torsten Schmits

that sounds very uncomfortable!

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

I think you can't actually call (in a "meaningful way") runTransaction with that type signature

since you have to provide a runDb :: (forall r'. t -> InterpreterFor Db r') that means that your runDb has to work for any r', or in other words, you can't rely on any effects (other than Db) being in the stack :thinking:

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

I can add a constraint like so

data Transaction eff m a where
  InTransaction :: forall eff inn a. Member eff inn => Sem (Db ': inn) a -> Transaction eff (Sem inn) a

but now I can't write the "send" function :thinking:

Torsten Schmits

yeah, that's what I meant earlier with "look at the other thread" :smile:

Torsten Schmits

why can't you write the function?

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

when I so much as mention InTransaction e.g.

inTransaction :: forall eff r a. Member (Transaction eff) r => Sem (Db ': r) a -> Sem r a
inTransaction _ = undefined $ (InTransaction @eff @r @a undefined)

I get a "can't find the effect eff" (Could not deduce LocateEff eff r ~ '())

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

maybe my signature should be different

Torsten Schmits

but I think you need to change the signature of the interpreter parameter in the Transaction interpreter

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

going to sleep first, this is not productive :big_smile:

Torsten Schmits

:big_smile: I'll take a look later as well

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

Torsten Schmits said:

but I think you need to change the signature of the interpreter parameter in the Transaction interpreter

from experience with trying a similar thing?

Torsten Schmits

might be sufficient to just use r instead of an existential

Torsten Schmits

I took another look and I don't see how it could be possible for this to work. we can only hope @Love Waern (King of the Homeless) has some dark magic up his sleeve

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Seems so. Here's my first go:

data Transaction s m a where
  Trade :: s -> Db m a -> Transaction s m a
  InTransaction :: (s -> m a) -> Transaction s m a

interpretH' :: (forall x. Weaving e (Sem (e ': r)) x -> Sem r x)
            -> Sem (e ': r) a
            -> Sem r a
interpretH' h sem = Sem $ \k -> runSem sem $ \u -> case decomp u of
  Right wav -> runSem (h wav) k
  Left  g   -> k $ hoist (interpretH' h) g

inTransaction :: forall s r a. Member (Transaction s) r => Sem (Db ': r) a -> Sem r a
inTransaction main = send $ InTransaction @s $ \token -> transform (Trade token) main

runTransaction ::
  forall t r a.
  Member Resource r =>
  (t -> InterpreterFor Db r) ->
  Sem r t ->
  (t -> Sem r ()) ->
  Sem (Transaction t ': r) a ->
  Sem r a
runTransaction runner acquire release =
    go :: forall x. Sem (Transaction t ': r) x -> Sem r x
    go = interpretH' $ \(Weaving eff s wv ex ins) -> case eff of
      Trade token db -> runner token (liftSem $ injWeaving $ Weaving db s (raise . go . wv) ex ins)
      InTransaction main -> do
        let main' token = go $ wv (main token <$ s)
        ex <$> bracket acquire release main'

Yet again interpretH fails me and I need to work with Weavings directly.
This might or might not be safe depending on the semantics of the runner. Is it ok if it's used multiple times for a single token -- once per Db action -- as long as the block within a specific token is used is delimited by acquire and release? If so, then this is safe. If not, then this is not safe.

Note that Transaction now needs a type variable. This is like Cont, where application code is expected to keep it fully polymorphic.

There's probably a more elegant solution. Maybe. I'll look into it more later.

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

so I guess there's no "easy" way to "limit" what effects you can use inside InTransaction (or any HO effect for that matter) :thinking: and hide them from the "outside world" so that it can't interpret them however it pleases

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

The way my definition of Transaction works is that InTransaction provides the means of executing effects of Db locally within a region through some token. Executing actions of Db is done through Trade. Combining these, you can create the inTransaction action, where you gain access to a token locally so that you may execute actions of Db, and then you interpret the Db effect by using Trade.
This is an implementation detail: users should never use the constructors InTransaction and Trade directly.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

The only way to "limit" what effects you can use inside a InTransaction is to have a parametrized monad:

data Transaction rTransaction m a where
  InTransaction :: Sem (Db ': rTransaction) a -> Transaction rTransaction m a

This is as easy to interpret as it is difficult for application code to use. It's not even a higher-order effect. It's like defining:

data StMTransaction m a where
  Atomically :: StM a -> StMTransaction m a
Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

or the "wooden" way of

data Transaction t m a where
  InTransaction :: (t -> m a) -> Transaction t m a

data Db t m a where
  ..add a t argument to all the actions..


Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Eh. That leaks implementation details of Transaction to Db. I prefer the Trade approach.

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

in inTransaction you're replacing all the Db actions with the same actions but with Trades around them, right?

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

oh yeah I can use transform for that. Forgot that existed.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)
inTransaction :: forall s r a. Member (Transaction s) r => Sem (Db ': r) a -> Sem r a
inTransaction main = send $ InTransaction @s $ \token -> transform (Trade token) main
Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

so mayber interpretH' should also be somewhere in the library, especially if you've had to rely on it more than once?

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

I've been humming and hawing about that. Honestly, I'm not satisfied with interpretH. It's too complicated for it's own good.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

In fact, personally, I learned how Weavings worked before I learned how interpretH worked!

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

Maybe this could be added as an alternative:

interpretH' :: (  forall s r0 x
                . s ()
               -> (forall y. s (Sem r0 y) -> Sem (e ': r) (s y))
               -> (forall y. s y -> Maybe y)
               -> e (Sem r0) x
               -> Sem r (s x)
            -> Sem (e ': r) a
            -> Sem r a

Which basically inlines the Weaving.

Alternatively, maybe the design of Tactical could be revamped. Not sure.

Love Waern (King of the Homeless)

You know what would be really neat? This:

interpretHGood :: (  forall q x
                   . (forall x. z y -> Sem (Opaque q ': r) y)
                  -> e z x
                  -> Sem (Opaque q ': r) x
               -> Sem (e ': r) a
               -> Sem r a

Where Opaque is simply a newtype-wrapper to prevent the polymorphic q from messing with Member.
No weird state threading required! Believe it or not, this is almost possible! You can switch from the weave abstraction to a different mechanism with all the same restrictions, but is able to support interpretHGood. Still, there's so much tied to the weave abstraction that doing that switch would cause massive breakage. Something for v2.0 maybe.

Torsten Schmits

since we now had two discussions of that kind within a few days, I think we need an interpretH that specializes in e (Sem r1) a -> Tactical e (Sem r2) r x, or whatever would make sense.
or at least r1 ~ eff : r2

Torsten Schmits

and nice solution with the Trade!!!