neuron-mode issues on Ubuntu - Neuron

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Sridhar Ratnakumar

gilmi said:

neuron-mode isn't really working for me :\ I get Wrong type argument: char-or-string-p, nil

Sridhar Ratnakumar

gilmi said:

Command "neuron --zettelkasten-dir /home/suppi/zettelkasten query --uri 'zquery://search'" exited with code 1: neuron: user error (Zettelkasten directory /home/suppi/zettelkasten/ does not exist.)

neuron--read-query-result: Wrong type argument: char-or-string-p, nil

I think the first is because I'm using a local directory with -d

Sridhar Ratnakumar

So, you should execute M-x neuron-select-zettelkasten first ,and then choose the path to your haskell zettelkasten repo


yeah I'm reading the manual for neuron-mode

Sridhar Ratnakumar


  1. neuron-select-zettelkasten - do once
  2. neuron-edit-zettel to open a zettel by title
  3. neuron-rib-open-zettel to view that zettel in the browser (assumes you have neuron -d ... rib -wS running in terminal; there is a command to run this in emacs too)
Sridhar Ratnakumar


  • neuron-new-zettel to create a new zettel
  • neuron-insert-zettel-link to link to another zettel

I managed editing a page!

Sridhar Ratnakumar

this is basically my workflow for my personal website. i get static site for free, with 0 lines of haskell :-D

Welcome to the personal home page of Sridhar Ratnakumar, a passionate Haskeller and an actualist. I work as a Haskell consultant (see résumé).

@gilmi Do you remember the command that output Wrong type argument: char-or-string-p, nil?
I can change it to output a more understandable error message


@felko it was neuron--read-query-result


Did you call it directly or was it the name of the last function in the stacktrace?


btw if you don't use evil I'd be glad to hear suggestions for the default emacs style keybindings.


it was the name of the last function in the stacktrace. I ran neuron-mode.


And sorry I do use evil-mode.


Oh I forgot to tell you, the default zettelkasten location can be set using M-x customize (or in your config)

Sridhar Ratnakumar

I think it was neuron-edit-zettel - when the default zettelkasten directory has not been created yet


Should be fixed now, all commands except neuron-select-zettelkasten check if the current zettelkasten exists and is a directory