semitlattices - Haskell

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Fintan Halpenny

So I've been looking at CRDTs and one of the versions of them is a join-semilattice. One of the data structures I'm looking at is basically Cofree. So I did some playing around and wrote an instance for a join-semilattice for ZipList and used checkers to check the laws. I believe that Cofree will also have an instance if f is an Applicative and also forms a semilattice. I can't seem to use checkers to check this because I think I run into generating infinite ZipList :sob:. Can a big brain in here help me figure this out or confirm my intuition is correct? Here's the code:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

import Control.Applicative (ZipList(..), liftA2)
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Data.Functor.Classes (Eq1, Show1)
import Data.Semilattice.Join
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers

instance (Join a) => Join (ZipList a) where
  as \/ bs = liftA2 (\/) as bs

instance Eq a => EqProp (ZipList a) where
  (=-=) = eq

deriving instance Show1 ZipList
deriving instance Eq1 ZipList

instance (Applicative f, Join a) => Join (Cofree f a) where
  (a :< as) \/ (b :< bs) = a \/ b :< liftA2 (\/) as bs

instance (Arbitrary1 f, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Cofree f a) where
  arbitrary = do
    a <- arbitrary
    f <- arbitrary1
    pure (a :< f)

instance (Eq1 f, Eq a) => EqProp (Cofree f a) where
  (=-=) = eq

-- Check idempotence
idempotence :: Property
idempotence = idempotent2 @(Cofree ZipList Ordering) (\/)

-- Check associativity

-- Check commutativity

-- Check idempotence
-- idempotent :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, EqProp a) => (a -> a) -> Property
idempotenceZL :: Property
idempotenceZL = idempotent2 @(ZipList Ordering) (\/)

-- Check commutativity
commutativityZL :: Property
commutativityZL = isCommut @(ZipList Ordering) (\/)

-- Check associativity
associativityZL :: Property
associativityZL = isAssoc @(ZipList Ordering) (\/)
Fintan Halpenny

Running quickBatch ("semilattice", [("idempotence", idempotence)]) in ghci will hang

Sandy Maguire

my guess is that those deriving instances are giving you infinite loops

Sandy Maguire

nevermind, you should derive the newtype instances

Sandy Maguire

pure blah :: ZipList blah is an infinite list

Sandy Maguire

which i guess means equality will never terminate

Sandy Maguire

likewise for your equality Cofree instance

Fintan Halpenny

Right that's what I was thinking was the case. Is there another way to prove the laws hold?

Sandy Maguire

make a newtype that doesn't get bigger than 10 elements inside a zip list?

Fintan Halpenny

To be honest, I think I might need something a little bit more nuanced than a ziplist anyway. If two users make concurrent edits they should resolve if they're distinct.
So if they both start off with [a,b] and then Bob adds c and Alice adds d, I'd like to end up with either [a,b,c,d] or [a,b,d,c].

Sandy Maguire

prove they hold for that and then induction

Fintan Halpenny

Sounds like a big brain idea

Sandy Maguire

newtype ZipListButIt's10 a

Sandy Maguire

i feel like we don't use apostrophes in names often enough

Fintan Halpenny

I feel we do it too often :stuck_out_tongue:

Fintan Halpenny

Ya that's the one I'm thinking of :joy:

Jonathan Lorimer

Do you mind if I ask why you are looking into CRDTs? I only ask because I was thinking it would be fun to work on a Haskell client for antidote db .

AntidoteDB has 27 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Fintan Halpenny

Sup @Jonathan Lorimer! I'm looking into CRDTs because I'm working on a decentralized project You can check out our conversations so far:
We just had a conversation this morning and I think we came to a conclusion which I'll do a write up summarising it all. I'll link that when it's up :)

Implementing collaboration tools (issue tracker, code reviews, and more) in Radicle Collaboration data representation: the merge problem By “collaboration tools” we initially mean an issue tracker and a code review system. Over time more tools could be added (like a wiki, a more complex CMS, a project tracking system…). The implementation strategy is to build these tools on top of git. This means handling git as a database which the tools use as backing storage. Since the tools are collabora...
Fintan Halpenny

Haven't heard of antidote. I did come across this though

A JSON-like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically. - automerge/automerge
Fintan Halpenny

Do you know what kind of CRDTs are used on the backend of antidote?

Jonathan Lorimer here is the repo for it

CRDT implementations to use with Antidote. Contribute to AntidoteDB/antidote_crdt development by creating an account on GitHub.
Jonathan Lorimer

I also know that riak is another distributed db written in erlang and based on CRDTs, but it is noSQL

Jonathan Lorimer

Riak is a decentralized datastore from Basho Technologies. - basho/riak
Fintan Halpenny

Ah I see! Well we're gonna go the op-based route. There's a chance we may roll our own but have to see yet