reflex-dom without obelisk/reflex-platform - Haskell

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I want to integrate reflex-dom as a frontend project in my monorepo. Since I have to use Obelisk/Reflex-Platform, I have 2 nixpkgs set in my entire project. What I want to have is only 1 nixpkgs (20.09) and then build reflex/reflex-dom using the existence ghcjs in 20.09.

I have heard that there is a little changes made by reflex-platform wrt to GHCJS. Iirc it is regarding JsString. Is that all?

Sridhar Ratnakumar

if frontend == ghcjs, no - you are better off staying with reflex-platform. if frontend == ghc (jsaddle-warp or gtk+), then just use the one in nixpkgs.


Sridhar Ratnakumar said:

if frontend == ghcjs, no - you are better off staying with reflex-platform. if frontend == ghc (jsaddle-warp or gtk+), then just use the one in nixpkgs.

Yeah after diving into obelisk + reflex-platform, I'll stick to them. It's too much goodies in there that are worthy for the project.

Sridhar Ratnakumar

There is also if you want only "ob run" (and full build) workflow from obelisk, but not the rest including backend.

Template repository for writing GHCJS/Reflex apps targeting static sites without a backend. - srid/reflex-stone

I've seen that and also your rhyolite template (I also have project with JupyterWith combined with rhyolite using the same way you did).

Matthias Putz

Uh, can you @Rizary elaborate on the JupyterWith thing? You mean Jupyter Notebooks, what is your project doing? (sounds veery interesting)


Matthias Putz said:

Uh, can you Rizary elaborate on the JupyterWith thing? You mean Jupyter Notebooks, what is your project doing? (sounds veery interesting)

It's an old project. I attempt to integrate JupyterWith with obelisk platform. So we can code reflex-dom inside jupyter (the first aim is that) also include hasktorch in it.

My first idea is I want to create minimum example (like the one in pytorch tutorial) that creates flask based app with pytorch. Instead, I want to have fullstack haskell with hasktorch in it. my current state is only able to run jupyterWith, but I haven't got the time to continue developing obelisk + hasktorch part.


jupyterWith refers to tweag's project here

declarative and reproducible Jupyter environments - powered by Nix - tweag/jupyterWith