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Sridhar Ratnakumar

Are we using 'topics' to its intended purpose? It seems like we are using them like 'channels', rather than actual discussion topics that someone would post on a forum


This interface does feel weird for now.

Solomon Bothwell

Its definitely a strange mix of chat and forum. I use it for another community and have grown to like it in that context. Over there zulip is used much more like a discussion forum then a chatroom.


I feel like we can use it both ways simultaneously - if you feel like your discussion is worth separate topic, just create it - otherwise you can use one of "general" topics

Sridhar Ratnakumar

@TheMatten Is it possible to rename a topic? Like this one (Main) to say "Introductions"? So people don't lazily post all questions in this topic (thus encouraging to start new ones)


Do you see pen icon next to topic name?


Okay, you do :smiley:

Sridhar Ratnakumar

I just edited it. But there is a still a "Main" topic (EDIT: I changed it back)

Sridhar Ratnakumar

Hi everyone! :D

I think editing this message will change it for all messages in it.


It seems like it did that change starting at point of renaming?

Sridhar Ratnakumar

"Random" works. If people start flooding this topic with cat pictures, members can always "mute" the topic :-)

Ben Kolera

Yeah, I kinda figured this there is no right or wrong answer here and things will converge to some healthy norms eventually. Everybody does what feels right and it'll correct itself to something good over time. :slight_smile: