Delimited continuations for modeling effectful computations - Haskell

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Alexis King

So, just to include the most recent context, the grammar of terms and evaluation contexts in a call-by-value lambda calculus:

v ::= (\x -> e) | <number>
e ::= v | e e | e + e
E ::= ● | E e | v E | E + e | v + E
Alexis King

What’s going on here? Let’s start with the base case: by itself is always a legal evaluation context. It’s a very boring one, but it’s allowed.

Alexis King

The evaluation context ● + 1 is also legal, as is ● + (1 + 2). We’re using the E + e production rule to make those evaluation contexts, where the E is and the e is 1 or 1 + 2.

Alexis King

The evaluation context 1 + ● is legal, too… but note that (1 + 2) + ● is not! Why?

Alexis King

Because the production rule for “going inside” the right argument of a + requires the left side be v, a value. And 1 + 2 is not a value, it’s an expression.

Alexis King

This is why this is a grammar for a call by value lambda calculus; it enforces a left-to-right evaluation order just by restricting the grammar of E.

Asad Saeeduddin

So what we mean by just dot is that anything from the e list can go there

Alexis King

No, the dot is a literal dot! It’s the from continuation frames!

Alexis King

As a Haskell datatype, the definition of E would look like this:

data E = Hole | AppL E Expr | AppR Value E | PlusL E Expr | PlusR Value E
Asad Saeeduddin

Right, but I mean in an E[e], the dot case just means we have e

Alexis King

Yes, that’s right—the notation E[e] means “replace the in E with e.”

Alexis King

In other words, “plug the hole.”

Alexis King

Let’s consider the beta reduction rule from earlier:

(\x -> e) v   --->   e[x := v]

We can make this more precise by adding an evaluation context around the outside:

E[(\x -> e) v]   --->   E[e[x := v]]

Now consider where this is/is not allowed to be used. We can reduce (\x -> x + 2) 1 + 3 to (1 + 2) + 3, because we can take the evaluation context E = ● + 3, so we have

E[(\x -> x + 2) 1]   --->   E[1 + 2]
Asad Saeeduddin

hmm, actually I'm probably not understanding it correctly, given that E e is also an evaluation context. Shouldn't dot feature somewhere in every possible evaluation context?

Asad Saeeduddin

sorry if I'm being slow

Alexis King

No, it’s fine—evaluation contexts are confusing.

Alexis King

Genuinely think of evaluation contexts like an algebraic datatype. Note that in the Haskell type above, every value of E has to have one and exactly one Hole somewhere inside it, since every other case contains another E.

Asad Saeeduddin

ah, I see my mistake. for some reason I was reading E e as some kind of special construct, when it just means anything that's an evaluation context can go there

Alexis King

Yes, that’s right. The grammar we’re defining here is 100% syntactic.

Asad Saeeduddin

ok, thanks. that makes sense

Alexis King

We have an idea of what it all “means”—v represents values, e represents expressions, and E represents evaluation frames—but the formal system is technically just a bunch of string rewriting rules.

Alexis King

Anyway, going back to your original example of E = throw f; ●, that wouldn’t be a legal evaluation context because monads enforce an evaluation order. You have to evaluate throw f before you can evaluated the statement after it.

Asad Saeeduddin

what I meant in that context would be modeled in a monadic computation by throw f >> ●, but I'm not sure whether that's a valid evaluation frame either

Alexis King

It isn’t, for the same reasons—I was just blurring the language and metalanguage a little bit.

Alexis King

An evaluation context extended with do might look like this:

E ::= ... | do { x <- E; e }

Interestingly, we don’t have a rule for going inside the next statement at all. But we could define a reduction rule to do it:

E[do { x <- pure v; e }]   --->   E[e[x := v]]
Alexis King

So, going back to our catch example, the rules might reasonably look like

E[catch(purev)f]E[purev]E[\operatorname{catch} (\operatorname{pure} v) f] \longrightarrow E[\operatorname{pure} v]

E1[catchE2[throwe]f]E1[fe]E_1[\operatorname{catch} E_2[\operatorname{throw} e] f] \longrightarrow E_1[f e]

Asad Saeeduddin

and E again has a dot case for the do notation stuff

Asad Saeeduddin

I'm having trouble imagining how to model general purpose monadic computations without reinventing something like beta reduction inside the string rewriting rules

Alexis King

Yes, indeed! You do have to do that if you want to model it all formally. Of course, you wouldn’t bother if you’re just using the ideas to reason informally—I wouldn’t recommend actually thinking about “evaluation contexts” and all that just to think about some monadic code. But I’m afraid I have to go for the moment—I have some plans. But I would be happy to continue this some other time. The interesting tidbit we didn’t get to is the rule for <|> in the list monad, which duplicates the evaluation context, since that corresponds to invoking the continuation multiple times.

Asad Saeeduddin

Thanks for the explanation so far, this has really helped!

Alexis King

@Asad Saeeduddin In case you happen to be interested: I’ve written up an example of using reduction semantics to reason about code that uses continuations in a GitHub comment on my proposal.

This is a proposal for adding primops for capturing slices of the RTS stack to improve the performance of algebraic effect systems, which require delimited continuations. Rendered

@Alexis King As it is, this interface should basically stay unchanged if it gets merged? (not asking for guarantees, just curious if there are some details to sort out :slight_smile:)

Alexis King

Yes, I think so. I may try to figure out how to make reset# levity-polymorphic as well, but otherwise I think the interface is pretty reasonable.