Automatic propagation of "unused" constraints - Haskell

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Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

Is it possible to automatically propagate type class constraints which have no arguments associated with them? (when there is only one eligible constraint in scope)

   AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}

import Data.Kind (Type)

data SBool (b :: Bool) where
  SFalse :: SBool 'False
  STrue :: SBool 'True

class HasSing (b :: Bool) where
  singFor :: SBool b

instance HasSing 'True where
  singFor = STrue

instance HasSing 'False where
  singFor = SFalse

f :: HasSing b => Bool
f = not $ g

g :: HasSing b => Bool
g =
  case singFor of
    STrue -> False
    SFalse -> True

f and g don't compile (guessing here):

  • in f the g call doesn't infer that the available HasSing b is to be used
  • in g the singFor call doesn't infer that the available HasSing b is to be used

If I use ScopedTypeVariables and TypeApplications I can work around this, but it goes against my original goal of implicitly passing around a singleton, as now I have to write type applications wherever I would previously pass a singleton explicitly.
There is also a situation in which I don't know how to refer to the type argument as of current ghc - case matching on gadt constructors which have forall'd types in them.
Can I work around this somehow, while keeping automatic propagation in non-ambiguous uses (only one constraint in scope)?

I looked at reflection and it also has this issue (when using Given+given at least).
polysemy solves this issue via polysemy-plugin.


I don't think you can get around this without any sort of plugin

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

Feels like it.
I wonder if there is something inconsistent about making this the default behaviour


It would introduce ambiguity in cases where there are multiple valid instances of same type in scope

Sandy Maguire

what do you expect this program to do?

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

i.e. propagate the initial type argument silently

Sandy Maguire

it's arguably a failing of hs

Sandy Maguire

or more specifically, why things are this way

Sandy Maguire

the early FP people wanted to infer all of their types! ALL Of THEM

Sandy Maguire

and so a lot of the language's early design implicit comes with the assumption that types should be invisible

Georgi Lyubenov // googleson78

hopefully we can move to something more liberal
I guess I'll go looking on ghcs issues/proposals