Topics - General

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Eric Wolf

Can one search just topic names? Or filter topics by substring? #Haskell really has a lot of topics now.


You can search for topic:SOMETHING in Haskell stream (or for stream:Haskell topic:SOMETHING anywhere)

Eric Wolf

Will SOMETHING be matched exactly or in a substring/fuzzy like fashion?

Eric Wolf

Seems like an exact match, hmm. And also typing the search query doesn't give one completion. Maybe I should file some request for zulip :)


The latter while you're typing - once you press enter, it turns into search filter


Keep in mind that you have to have some stream: in your query - only then will it actually search for topics (in that stream)

Eric Wolf

Yes, I missed that. I edited the search filter then and there I couldn't see completion done. But maybe that was also, because there was still a single match.

Eric Wolf

Also: Wouldn't that be better discussed in META? But I can't write there.


I guess we can keep #META for sort of announcements - #General is fine for questions related to Zulip itself

Eric Wolf

So, maybe change the name #META to #Announcements ?


Hmm - yeah, that would probably make sense :big_smile: