recursive data type - Dhall

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Saurabh Nanda

I'm a Dhall newbie and am already stuck with recursive data types. I've tried reading and and neither of them make sense to me. The unicode characters in the code-snippets are making things even harder.

What's going on there? Is that using RankNTypes or something in Dhall?

Saurabh Nanda

Are there any more examples available elsewhere? If I'm creating a config-file that I want end-users to use, do they have to deal with this complication? Can it be hidden away? And if it can, is there some library or function that already does this? And gives a straighforward way to use recursive data-types in Dhall?

Fintan Halpenny

It's been a while since I looked at this stuff but maybe I can help

Fintan Halpenny

What's tripping you up exactly?

Fintan Halpenny

It's not any easier but might be fun to look at. My friend Greg did up a recursion-schemes approach to recursive data types in Dhall:

A recursion scheme library for Dhall. Contribute to sellout/dada development by creating an account on GitHub.
Fintan Halpenny

Also, something to think about is that you may not _want_ to write a recursive type because you'll have to jump through these hoops

Fintan Halpenny

Maybe your config could be simplified

Saurabh Nanda

I'm writing a config file that needs to represent the navigation structure of a website. Which means that a Page type needs to have Page children. Is there any way to avoid recursion in the first place?

Saurabh Nanda

@Fintan Halpenny is this what you're referring to - ? This is equally opaque to me :-(

A recursion scheme library for Dhall. Contribute to sellout/dada development by creating an account on GitHub.
Fintan Halpenny

Ya, maybe don't use dada :sweat_smile:

Fintan Halpenny

Maybe you could have Link which is a morally a pointer to a Page and a Page is just a List Link?

Fintan Halpenny

But let's say you do have a Page that has children, then it sounds exactly like the Person example you linked above

Fintan Halpenny

What part of that example is tripping you up?

Saurabh Nanda

the entire syntax. What's going on with the type declaration _conceptually_ and then what's going on when example is being declared. Why is the entire type reproduced there?

Saurabh Nanda

Is this using RankNTypes?

let Person
    : Type
    = ∀(Person : Type) →
      ∀(MakePerson : { children : List Person, name : Text } → Person) →
Saurabh Nanda

what is the exact Haskell transliteration of that snippet? Probably that will make it click for me.

Saurabh Nanda

my brain seems to be switching off as soon as I see

Fintan Halpenny

Haha ok, so let's break it down into it's parts

Fintan Halpenny

let Person : Type a thing called Person that is a Type

Fintan Halpenny

If we look later in the post it says that the ∀(Person : Type) is different from the let Person

Fintan Halpenny

So this actually says ∀(_Person : Type): for all _Person which is a Type

Fintan Halpenny

The next line says ∀(MakePerson : { children : List _Person, name : Text } → _Person): We have a constructor MakePerson which consists of two components

Fintan Halpenny

The first is children, which is a List _Person. So, a list of the types we passed in originally with the ∀(_Person : Type)

Fintan Halpenny

And a name of type Text

Fintan Halpenny

Finally, we return this type _Person

Fintan Halpenny

What this translates into in Haskell is something like:

data Person person = { name: Text, children = [person] }
Fintan Halpenny

But if we try to use Person within Person we'd get Person (Person (Person ....)))

Fintan Halpenny

So the trick is that we need some sort of fixpoint structure that hides this away from us:

data Fix f = MakeFix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
Fintan Halpenny

So, now we can say Person' = Fix Person

Fintan Halpenny

The final piece of the puzzle is that we want to "interpret" this structure into some target. To do this we fold over the Fix structure, peeling each layer off and applying some function to that layer

Fintan Halpenny

In the Dhall example, they're doing this by just collecting the names

Fintan Halpenny

Is any of that unclear to you?

Fintan Halpenny

To understand this more you may want to look up material on recursion schemes

Saurabh Nanda

this looks like a free monad of sorts to me.

Saurabh Nanda

at the end, will the end-user (writing the config file) need to deal with all this complexity?

Saurabh Nanda

so, Person is a type-level function that takes a type X another type-level function that uses that type X and finally gives as the type X

Saurabh Nanda
let Person = X -> (MakePerson { children :: List X, name : Text} -> X) -> X
Saurabh Nanda

is that valid Dhall ^^

Fintan Halpenny

It's sort of related. You can imagine it's Free without the Pure constructor

Fintan Halpenny

I think you'd need the for all symbols for it be valid

Saurabh Nanda

I'm on the verge of giving up. Is there an example of a config file that uses recursive data-types? How much complexity is leaked to the end-users? Because if this makes things complex for the end-users as well, it's not worth the effort at all. I will be unable to use Dhall for my project.

Fintan Halpenny

Well, what are you trying to do?

Fintan Halpenny

Because if you're supplying dhall to the end user you're expecting them to also know how to work with Dhall

Saurabh Nanda

But only for defining config files. Which for most parts is defining records & lists, and probably using a few let bindings to reduce duplication.

Saurabh Nanda

I mean, isn't that one of the implicit (or explicit?) goals of Dhall? It should be easy to define configuration for casual users.

Saurabh Nanda

I don't foresee casual users defining their own types and suchlike.

Saurabh Nanda

or am I viewing Dhall the wrong way?

Fintan Halpenny

Nah, that makes sense :)

Fintan Halpenny

But if you want recursion you're going to have to jump through these hoops because Dhall is total

Fintan Halpenny

And so can't express recursion as we're used to

Saurabh Nanda

I mean if recursion is possible in any other way, then it is technically possible to have infinite recursion, right?

Fintan Halpenny

What you could do is make it easy to build up Pages and expose ways to interpret them into some final form

Saurabh Nanda

so being total, or not, doesn't really help.

Fintan Halpenny

Not _quite_. You can _represent_ structure that's infinite.

Fintan Halpenny

But whatever program that ingests the Dhall needs a way to interpret that infinite structure

Fintan Halpenny

But from Dhall's point of view, this all total and non-Turing complete

Saurabh Nanda

is it possible to have a polymorphc type such as data Page x = Page { title :: Text, children :: [x]} and later substitute x for Page?

Fintan Halpenny

That's exactly what the Dhall example is doing

Saurabh Nanda

but it seems way too complicated. I'm trying a simple version -- probably if I write it from scratch myself, it might make more sense.

Saurabh Nanda

what's the void / () type in Dhall?

Fintan Halpenny
let Page
    : Type
    = ∀(_Page : Type) →
      ∀(MakePage : { children : List _Page, name : Text } → _Page) →

let example
    : Page
    = λ(_Page : Type) →
      λ(MakePage : { children : List _Page, name : Text } → _Page) →
          { children =
            [ MakePage { children = [] : List _Page, name = "google" }
            , MakePege { children = [] : List _Page, name = "amazon" }
          , name = "microsoft"

let everypage
    : Page → List Text
    = let concat =

      in  λ(x : Page) →
              (List Text)
              ( λ(p : { children : List (List Text), name : Text }) →
                  [ ] # concat Text p.children

let result
    : List Text
    = everypage example

in  result
Fintan Halpenny

You could make it simpler by having some function makePage which takes a title and a continuation of children

Fintan Halpenny

It's the empty record {}

Saurabh Nanda

what's the newbie error in this?

Saurabh Nanda
   let Site = forall (x : Type) -> { root : Text, pages : List x }
in let s1 : Site Text = { root = "/abc", pages = ([] : List Text) }
in s1
Fintan Halpenny

I'm not actually sure. It's been too long since I worked with Dhall

Fintan Halpenny

Started off with somthing like this

Fintan Halpenny
let Site = ∀(x : Type) → { root : Text, pages : List x }

let Root = λ(x : Type) → λ(root : Text) → { root = root, pages = [] : List x }

in  Root {} "abc"
Fintan Halpenny

Ok, I think I cracked it

Fintan Halpenny
let Site = ∀(x : Type) → { root : Text, pages : List x }

let Page = λ(root : Text) → λ(x : Type) → { root = root, pages = [] : List x }

let addPage =
        λ(parent : Site)
      → λ(x : Type)
      → λ(root : Text)
      → { root =
            (parent x).root
        , pages =
            [ Page root ] # (parent Site).pages

in  addPage (Page "abc") {} "def"
Fintan Halpenny

That'll be $100 for Dhall consultancy fees :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Fintan Halpenny

Actually, you want to delay the x: Type even more

Fintan Halpenny
let Site = ∀(x : Type) → { root : Text, pages : List x }

let Page = λ(root : Text) → λ(x : Type) → { root = root, pages = [] : List x }

let addPage =
        λ(parent : Site)
      → λ(root : Text)
      → λ(x : Type)
      → { root =
            (parent x).root
        , pages =
            [ Page root ] # (parent Site).pages

in  addPage (Page "abc") "def"
Fintan Halpenny

So that way you can keep chaining without adding specifying the x : Type

Fintan Halpenny

I can't seem to get this working:

let Site = ∀(x : Type) → { root : Text, pages : List x }

let Page = λ(root : Text) → λ(x : Type) → { root = root, pages = [] : List x }

let addPage =
        λ(parent : Site)
      → λ(root : Text)
      → λ(x : Type)
      → { root = (parent x).root, pages = [ Page root ] # (parent Site).pages }

let addPages =
        λ(parent : Site)
      → λ(pages : List Site)
      → λ(x : Type)
      → { root = (parent x).root, pages = pages # (parent Site).pages }

in  addPages (addPage (Page "abc") "def") [ Page "boo", Page "foo" ]
Fintan Halpenny

But maybe you play around with and get it going

Fintan Halpenny

There's also Dhall folks in the fpchat slack that are smart and know this stuff well. Including sellout :)

Fintan Halpenny

I tried playing around with it more and couldn't really make it usable

Fintan Halpenny

dada is where it's at but I can't remember how to use it :joy:

Mats Rauhala

Did you notice this section in the documentation:

The smart constructors at least to me seem a lot more ergonomic

Fintan Halpenny

Ah I missed that section. But I think I ended up trying that. The issue was making a person with children

Fintan Halpenny

I'll take a closer look again when I'm back at a keyboard